Pure Jams

WHAT is it?
Pure Jams is Perth’s only current open improv jam, where musicians hop on a stage with other local music lovers, for a night of shared impromptu experimental music & freestyling. It’s high energy, it’s a chance to dance, or a chance to play on stage by ear!
It has created a loving inclusive community in Perth for muso’s from all different genre’s & scenes.
WHEN is it?
“The last Wednesday of each month, but up-to-date info found via our instagram.
What INSPIRED you?
In 2023, I was backpacking around Europe & soaked in the local music scenes as much as I could! The way people shared music in different cities and cultures was incredible to witness, especially in the underground London jam scene! I got super inspired, and wanted this same love for music back in Perth’s music scene.
So Max Wolfinger & I have teamed up to create Pure Jams!

WHAT is it?
Pure Jams is Perth’s only current open improv jam, where musicians hop on a stage with other local music lovers, for a night of shared impromptu experimental music & freestyling. It’s high energy, it’s a chance to dance, or a chance to play on stage by ear!
It has created a loving inclusive community in Perth for muso’s from all different genre’s & scenes.
WHEN is it?
“The last Wednesday of each month, but up-to-date info found via our instagram.
What INSPIRED you?
In 2023, I was backpacking around Europe & soaked in the local music scenes as much as I could! The way people shared music in different cities and cultures was incredible to witness, especially in the underground London jam scene! I got super inspired, and wanted this same love for music back in Perth’s music scene.
So Max Wolfinger & I have teamed up to create Pure Jams!